3 New Refugee Camp Schools
This year, we have the special opportunity to build 3 schools for the children in 3 Muslim refugee camps.
Many of you are probably aware of the turmoil in Myanmar that has been front page news over the last couple of years. There are hundreds off thousands of Muslims living in refugee camps, without homes of their own and without the means to sustain themselves. The displaced people there are very poor and in need of a lot of help.
It is typically very difficult to get aid into these parts of the country, so we are grateful that we have been asked to help. We are hopeful that, with the help of friends & supporters like you, we will together be able to blaze a trail for future support to these areas.
We currently have a goal of $25,000, which needs to be raised in order to complete these 3 new refugee schools. Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated!
In an effort to provide opportunities for anyone who would like to help, regardless of your current financial situation, we have come up with 3 different kinds of ways you can get involved:
Make a recurrent monthly donation or a one-time contribution. Anything you can do helps!
Make your own fundraising page, using the easy online fundraising platform we created & share it with your friends and family on social media.
Get a small (or large?) group of friends together and help us share what we are doing in Myanmar. (Let us present to your group or use our pre-prepared materials. Contact us for more information.)