
We want your support and are willing to offer complete financial transparency. Here is the breakdown of how all past donations have been used:


What format to display numbers in? Maybe fairly simple for maximum lay-person-impact. Maybe some kind of line-by-line income/expense list like this...


$93,456 - Total Donations Received

-$19,345 - New School in Pyay

-$3,400 - New Well Drilled in Ayarwady District village 

-$21,750 - School

-$546 - Latrine in Yangon

$48,415 - Year End Trust Balance


$93,456 - Total Donations Received

-$19,345 - New School in Pyay

-$3,400 - New Well Drilled in Ayarwady District village 

-$21,750 - School

-$546 - Latrine in Yangon

$48,415 - Year End Trust Balance